Interior Minister
Defense Minister
Communication Minister
None of these options
Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar, a Muslim League stalwart, Pakistan movement activist and a Pakistani politician, whose ancestors belonged to a prominent Kakar Pashtun family originally of Zhob and settled in Peshawar, was born on June 13, 1899.
- From 1932 to 1936, Nishtar was a member of All India Muslim League (AIML) Council, member NWFP (Northwest Frontier Province) legislative Assembly 1937 to 1945, Finance Minister NWFP 1943-45, member AIML Working Committee, 1944-47, represented the All India Muslim League at the Simla Conference in 1945.
- After Pakistan was created, Nishtar was appointed Minister for communication in Pakistan. After the dismissal of the Punjab Provincial government in 1949, Sardar Nishtar was appointed Governor of Punjab. He effectively ran the Governorship for two years paving the way for restoration of an elected government in 1951.
- On the 2nd August 1949, Nishtar had replaced Sir Francis Mudie as the first Pakistani Governor of the Punjab.
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