Antonyms MCQs with Explanation

106. Demand (CSS 2022 MCQs)
(a) Supply
(b) Claim
(c) Request
(d) Petition

107. Descent (CSS 2022 MCQs)
(a) Discern
(b) Ascent
(c) Dissent
(d) Assent

108. Notorious (CSS 2022 MCQs)
(a) Prominent
(b) Infamous
(c) Honourable
(d) Reputed

109. Captivity (CSS 2022 MCQs)
(a) Slavery
(b) Permission
(c) Freedom
(d) Limitation

110. Contemplative (CSS 2022 MCQs)
(a) Wistful
(b) Unreflective
(c) Numbed
(d) Aroused


106. (a) β€˜Demand’ means a strong need for something. Where as β€˜ Supply’ means to make something needed available to someone. Therefore β€˜supply’ is the correct antonym of β€˜demand’.

107. (b) β€˜Descent’ means an act of moving downwards. Whereas β€˜ascent’ means the act of climbing or moving upwards. Therefore, β€˜ascent’ is the antonym of β€˜descent’.

108. (c) β€˜Notorious’ means someone known for some bad quality. β€˜Honourable’ means someone honest and fair, or deserving praise and respect. Therefore, β€˜Honourable’ is the antonym of β€˜notorious’.

109. (c)Β Captivity refers to imprisoned as option (c) is right antonym.

110. (b)Β Contemplative means thoughtful and reflective etc.

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