Uranium oxide
Uranium plutonium carbide
Uranium plutonium oxide
Uranium thorium oxide
In the early 21st century, all large power plants using fast breeder reactors employed liquid-metal fast breeder reactors, which convert uranium-238 into the fissionable isotope plutonium-239 by means of artificial radioactive decay. The plutonium-239 is then bombarded with high-speed neutrons. When a plutonium nucleus absorbs one such free neutron, it splits into two fission fragments. This fissioning releases heat as well as neutrons, which in turn split other plutonium nuclei, freeing still more neutrons. As this process is repeated again and again, it becomes a self-sustaining chain reaction, yielding a steady source of energy, chiefly in the form of heat, which is transported from the reactor core by a liquid sodium coolant to a system of heat exchangers. This system utilizes the heat to produce steam for a turbine that drives an electric generator. Proposed fast breeders include gas-cooled fast reactors, which are cooled with helium, and sodium-cooled and lead-cooled fast reactors. Additionally, a supercritical water fast reactor has been proposed that would operate at a supercritical pressure to utilize fluid water that is neither steam nor liquid.
- Mixed Oxide Fuel (MOX) is part of the nuclear fuel cycle which is used in the civilian branch of nuclear industry. Plutonium is converted into uranium-plutonium oxide fuel (called Mixed Oxide Fuel) to use it in existing commercial reactors or in new reactors. Used nuclear fuel can then either be disposed of as waste or recycled. A nuclear reactor uses enriched uranium fuel to produce heat, which in turn generates electricity. MOX fuel is manufactured by blending uranium and plutonium powders to include 3-10% plutonium.
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