Both a & b
None of these
Related MCQs
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- Oxygen
- Sugar
- Bacteria
- Carbon dioxide
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- The process through which a country increases its capacity to meet its citizens\' basic human needs and raise their standard of living is known as? (CSS 2013 Current Affairs Paper)
- Self-determination
- Democratization
- Development
- None of these
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- “Black holes” refer to? (CSS 2009 General Science & Ability Paper)
- Bright spots on the sun
- Holes occurring in heavenly bodies
- Collapsing objects of high density
- Collapsing objects of low density
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- The density of water is greatest at? (CSS 2011 General Science & Ability Paper)
- 4 °C
- 0 °C
- -32 °C
- 100 °C
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- Cusec is a unit of? (CSS 2010 General Science & Ability Paper)
- Area
- Time
- Distance
- Flow rate
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- World Trade Organization was established in? (CSS 2011 Current Affairs Paper)
- 1992
- 1993
- 1994
- 1995
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- The unit to measure the quantity of Ozone in the atmosphere is? (CSS 2013 General Science & Ability Paper)
- Dobson
- Dalton
- Coulomb
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- Categories of peoples who are entitled to receive Zakat? (CSS 2017 Islamic Studies Paper)
- 6
- 7
- 8
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- On which river is the Baglihar dam being constructed be India? (CSS 2014 Pakistan Affairs Paper)
- Indus
- Chenab
- Sutlej
- Jhelum
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- Total members countries of ASEAN are ______? (CSS 2018 Current Affairs Paper)
- 8
- 10
- 18
- None of the above
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- The SYNONYM of the word \"LOGGIA\" is? (CSS 2006 English Precis & Composition Paper)
- Marsh
- Gallery
- Carriage
- Pathway
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- What principle was supported by the Bengali politicians for the representation in the legislature and executive during the constitution making process? (CSS 2023 special Pakistan Affairs Paper)
- Population
- Area
- Revenue
- None of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- Which country lies on the equator?
- Kenya
- China
- Bhutan
- San Salvador
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- The SYNONYM of the word \"BULWARK\" is? (CSS 2014 English Precis & Composition Paper)
- Confuse
- Festival
- Rampart
- Conundrum
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- Tabuk
- Uhad
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- Equator passes through one of these countries? (CSS 2013 General Science & Ability Paper)
- Italy
- Japan
- Saudi Arabia
- None of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- The longest and largest bone in the human body is? (CSS 2017 General Science & Ability Paper)
- Spinal Cord
- Humerus
- Fibula
- Femur
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- A verse of the Holy Quran indicates the name of? (CSS 2009 Islamic Studies Paper)
- Hazarat Muaaz (RA)
- Hazrat Bilal (RA)
- Hazrat Zaid (RA)
- None of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- A Bar is System International unit to measure? (CSS 2023 Special General Science & Ability Paper)
- Force
- Energy
- Pressure
- Temperature
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- Laughing gas has chemical composition of the following two elements which are? (CSS 2010 General Science & Ability Paper)
- Nitrogen + Hydrogen
- Nitrogen + Carbon
- Nitrogen + Oxygen
- Oxygen + Carbon
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- Suez canal was nationalized by Egypt on? (CSS 2015 Current Affairs Paper)
- July 26, 1953
- July 26, 1956
- Jul 28, 1955
- None of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- the world highest Mountain is in? (CSS 2011 Current Affairs Paper)
- Nepal
- Italy
- Srilanka
- China
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- Which of the following is Mammal? (CSS 2012 General Science & Ability Paper)
- Whale
- Swordfish
- Bluefin Tuna
- None of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- In general, the Cancer in a human body is caused by changes to? (CSS 2023 Special General Science & Ability Paper)
- Virus
- All of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team