Saudi Arabia
None of these
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- predict the percentage of displaced people that will leave a failed state.
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Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
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- 11-Nov-1991
- 11-Nov-1992
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- Hazrat Umar ibn Al-Khattab(رضی اللّٰہ عنہ)
- Hazrat Usman ibn Affan(رضی اللّٰہ عنہ)
- Hazrat Ali ibn Abi Talib(رضی اللّٰہ عنہ)
- Hazrat Abu Bakr(رضی اللّٰہ عنہ)
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- A well documented tale of his trial
- A minor footnote in his writings
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- Donbas
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- East Ukraine
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- Hadith which Rasulullah (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) quotes from Allah(سبحان و تعالیٰ)
- Hadith which includes some statements or acts of some of the companions of Rasulullah (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم)
- Hadith which describes something about physical, spiritual or states of Rasulullah(صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم)
- Hadith which is not attributed to Rasulullah (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) directly
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- Syria
- Sudan
- Iraq
- Yemen
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- Rubber
- Glass
- Sponge
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