21 February 1999
11 January 2001
4 April 2004
None of these
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- Glucose
- Glycogen
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- Younger than the sedimentary rock
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- A minimum of 1.2 million years old
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- 1st October 1906
- 1st November 1906
- 1st December 1906
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- Treaty of Hudaybiyyah
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- mina
- arafat
- seena
- muzdalfa
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- Famine which causes death
- None of these given options
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- A time can come when we will be able to design a machine which can go on working for ever without the expenditure of energy. Is it possible? (CSS 2010 General Science & Ability Paper)
- No
- Yes
- Very soon
- In due course of time
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
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- Use of scientific methods for optimizing work processes to increase productivity
- Use of scientific methods for employee Assistance
- Both
- None of these
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- Proud
- Corrupt
- Luxuriant
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- Congenial
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