None of these
Related MCQs
- The effective Zakat System can ensure the elimination of?
- Poverty
- Interest
- Class Distinction
- None of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- The word “BAHEEJ” means? (CSS 2016 Islamic Studies Paper)
- Night visitor
- Beautiful, Convivial
- Gentle,Soft,Delicate
- None of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- Al-Maeen is a Surah in which there are? (CSS 2010 Islamic Studies Paper)
- 100 or more ayahs
- Simple orders
- Hard orders
- Less than 100 ayahs
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- who was known in history as Mujadid Alf Thani,the reformer of second millenium? (CSS 2010 Pakistan Affairs Paper)
- Shaikh ahmed sirhind
- shah Walliullah
- sir syed ahmed khan
- none of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- Which of the following is not a major subdivision of the biosphere? (CSS 2013 General Science & Ability Paper)
- Hydrosphere
- Lithosphere
- Stratosphere
- None of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- For what terminology is the abbreviation GPS Being used, Globally? (CSS 2022 General Science & Ability Paper)
- Geo Pakistan system
- Global Positioning System
- Google path system
- None of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- Pineapple variety suitable for canning is? (CSS 2016 General Science & Ability Paper)
- Queen
- Kew
- Mauritius
- Cayenne
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- RAW stands for? (CSS 2019 Current Affairs Paper)
- Raw & Analysis
- Research Wing
- Research & Analysis Wing
- None of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- The Pirpur report of 1938, prepared by? (CSS 2016 Pakistan Affairs Paper)
- S M Shareef
- Raja Sayed Muhammad Mehdi
- Fazlul Huq of Bengal
- Js. Sachar
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- Who was the editor of The Comrade? (CSS 2018 Pakistan Affairs Paper)
- Mukhtar Ahmed Ansari
- Mujibur Rahman Khan
- Maulana Mohammad Ali Johr
- None of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- A light year is? (CSS 2012 General Science & Ability Paper)
- A year devoid heavy rainfall
- The distance covered by light of our solar years
- The time taken by light to be generated and propagated from the center of the sun to our Earth
- None of these given options
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- The temperature of the dead body is? (CSS 2010 General Science & Ability Paper)
- 0 °C
- 37 °C
- room temperature
- temperature of the place where it is kept
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- Name the 1st man who issued regular order to collect and write Ahadis? (CSS 2010 Islamic Studies Paper)
- Hazrat Umer bin khattab (رضی اللّٰہ عنہ)
- Hazrat Usman bin Affan (رضی اللّٰہ عنہ)
- Hazrat Ali bin Abu Talib (رضی اللّٰہ عنہ)
- Hazrat Umer bin Abdul Aziz (رضی اللّٰہ عنہ)
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- Wadd, Suwa`, Yaghuth, Ya`uq and Nasr were the names of? (CSS 2015 Islamic Studies Paper)
- Name of wars
- The Idols of the People of Nuh (Alaihissalam)
- The Idols of the People of Ur
- None of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- Wealth obtained from a mine is liable to? (CSS 2009 Islamic Studies Paper)
- Zakat
- Khumus
- Rubah
- None of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- Salat-e-Istisqa is offered for? (CSS 2017 Islamic Studies Paper)
- Rain
- For the fulfilment of a need
- Forgiveness
- None of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- Which of the options below correctly combines the following two sentences into a compound sentence? • The sky was clear • The Sun was setting. (CCE 2023 Screening Test, December 1, 2024)
- The sky was clear while the sun was setting.
- The sky was clear, for the sun was setting.
- The sky was clear, and the sun was setting.
- None of the given options.
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- Diamond is a very expensive ornament. It is composed of a single element. (CSS 2009 General Science & Ability Paper)
- Gold
- Silver
- Carbon
- Platinum
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- Last SAARC summit held in? (CSS 2020 Current Affairs Paper)
- 2014
- 2015
- 2016
- None of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- The instrument which is specially designed for recording earthquake wave is called seismograph which measures earthquake waves on a? (CSS 2010 General Science & Ability Paper)
- Diatonic Scale
- Fahrenheit Scale
- Richter Scale
- Celsius Scale
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- Which pass connects Parachinar and Kohat with Afghanistan? (CSS 2012 Pakistan Affairs Paper)
- Khyber pass
- Dorah pass
- Gomal pass
- None of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- One of the following is a water soluble vitamin? (CSS 2013 General Science & Ability Paper)
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin K
- Vitamin D
- None of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- In 2008 Barack Obama received highest ever number of popular votes in the elections. In the recent presidential educations, which candidate broke his record? (CSS 2021 Current Affairs Paper)
- Joe Biden
- Donald Trump
- Both A & B
- None of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- Which group of animals has heterogametic females? (CSS 2013 General Science & Ability Paper)
- Rabbit
- Earthworm
- Domestic fowl
- None of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- The SYNONYM of the word \"CICERONE\" is? (CSS 2004 English Precis & Composition Paper)
- Guide
- Teacher
- Chaperone
- Literary classic
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team