Vitamin A
Vitamin K
Vitamin D
None of these
- Fat soluble vitamins are? (CSS 2015 General Science & Ability Paper)
- Vitamins A, D, E and K are called? (CSS 2014 General Science & Ability Paper)
- Deficiency of vitamin C in the human body causes a deficiency disease called? (CSS 2011 General Science & Ability Paper)
- Which of the following is an organic molecule needed by the body in small amounts? (CSS 2010 General Science & Ability Paper)
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- demonstrate how well a country is providing for its people\'s welfare and security
- predict the percentage of displaced people that will leave a failed state.
- prove that the Global South is not as poor as some have argued
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- Myanmar
- Bhutan
- None of these
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- First Round Table Conference
- Second Round Table Conference
- Third Round Table Conference
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- Trustee
- Attorney
- Assistant
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- 19th june 1905
- 19th October 1905
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- Madina
- Egypt
- Jordan
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- Sukkur barrage
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- Yeo Jing
- Qin Gang
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- A pioneer of the philosophy of history.
- A well documented tale of his trial
- A minor footnote in his writings
- None of these given options
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- United Nations (UN)
- Group of 20 (G-20)
- Developing Eight (D-8)
- Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).
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- Decay
- Calculate
- Increase
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- 970 km
- 990 km
- 950 km
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- Isotopes
- Molecules
- Compounds
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- One
- Two
- Three
- Four
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- 18
- 27
- 48
- 84
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- Trench
- Mariana Trench
- Mangrove
- Groove
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- Al-Saf
- Al-Ahzab
- Bani Israe
- Yaseen
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- Red
- Blue
- Yellow
- Green
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- Namaz-e-Khasoof
- Namaz-e-Kasoof
- Namaz-e-Istasqa
- Namaz-ul-Khauf
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- The minimum number of narrators in Hadith consecutive (Mutawatir) is? (CSS 2020 Islamic Studies Paper)
- 2
- 3
- 4
- None of these
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- Ashabus sabt means? (CSS 2010 Islamic Studies Paper)
- Jews
- Christians
- Muslims
- Sabieen
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- When was gas(natural)discovered at sui Baluchistan? (CSS 2010 Pakistan Affairs Paper)
- 1950
- 1952
- 1954
- None of these
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- Mohsinul Mulk
- Muhammad Ali Jauha
- Nawab Salimullah of Dacca
- None of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team