New York
Related MCQs
- UDHR day is observed on? (CSS 2020 Current Affairs Paper)
- Dec 10
- Nov 8
- Sep 12
- None of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- Who was the first leader of opposition in the first National Assembly constituted under the 1962 Constitution of Pakistan? (CSS 2024 Pakistan Affairs Paper)
- Hussain Shaheed
- Sardar Bahadur Khan
- Syed Fakhar Imam
- Ghulam Haider Wain
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- River Neil was declared as Sayed-ul-Anhar by Hazrat? (CSS 2009 Islamic Studies Paper)
- Hazrat Umer (رضی اللّٰہ عنہ)
- Hazrat Usman (رضی اللّٰہ عنہ)
- Hazrat Ali(رضی اللّٰہ عنہ)
- None of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- Prophet Muhammad (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) paid Zakat in his lifetime for how many times? (CSS 2021 Islamic Studies Paper)
- Two times
- Three times
- Zero times
- Four time
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- Under which Government of India Act Muslims Were given right of separate electorate? (CSS 2022 Pakistan Affairs Paper)
- 1908
- 1909
- 1910
- None of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- \'In the Line of Fire\' is a book, written by? (PPSC Tehsildar General Knowledge Test, December 15, 2024)
- Ayesha Jalal
- Mohsin Hamid
- Pervez Musharraf
- Mohammed Hanif
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- What is the overly Budget of Pakistan for FY2017-18? (CSS 2019 Pakistan Affairs Paper)
- 4.5 trillion
- 5.6 trillion
- 4.75 trillion
- None of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- The SYNONYM of the word \"BREACH\" is? (CSS 2012 English Precis & Composition Paper)
- Secret
- Secret
- Infraction
- Reinforcement
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- The dominant phase of life cycle in these organisms is haploid? (CSS 2013 General Science & Ability Paper)
- Mosses
- Bacteria
- Protozoa
- None of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- Which pass connects Pakistan with Afghanistan? (CSS 2023 Pakistan Affairs Paper)
- Khyber Pass
- Khunjrab Pass
- Bolan Pass
- None of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- Martin Luther King Jr was assassinated in the age of? (CSS 2015 Current Affairs Paper)
- 33
- 37
- 39
- None of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- In which constitution of Pakistan, the Ministers were neither members of the parliament nor answerable to parliament? (CSS 2009 Pakistan Affairs Paper)
- 1956
- 1962
- 1973
- None of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- The Ozone layer is present in? (CSS General Science & Ability Paper)
- Thermosphere
- Stratosphere
- Mesosphere
- None of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- Genes in higher organism are located in? (CSS 2015 General Science & Ability Paper)
- Both a & b
- None of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- Country having largest gas reserves? (CSS 2017 Current Affairs Paper)
- Pakistan
- Saudi Arabia
- Russia
- None of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- The literal meaning of Qiyas is? (CSS 2023 Special Islamic Studies Paper)
- To assess
- To Think
- Independent verdict
- To make research
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- Where was Jesus Christ born? (CSS 2012 Current Affairs Paper)
- Iraq
- Jerusalem
- Mecca
- None of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- The Zaboor (Book of Psalms) was revealed on? (CSS 2021 Islamic Studies Paper)
- Hazrat Moosa(علیہ السّلام)
- Hazrat Dawud(علیہ السّلام)
- Hazrat Issa(علیہ السّلام0)
- Hazrat Shees(علیہ السّلام)
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- One may define renewable energy as? (CSS 2023 Special General Science & Ability Paper)
- Energy derived from non-traditional sources
- Energy derived from sources that do not use up natural resources or harm the environment
- Energy fueled into ways that do not use up natural resources or harm the environment
- All of these given options
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- Bounded rationality refers to? (CSS 2023 Pakistan Affairs Paper)
- The way humans make decisions that departs from perfect economic rationality
- Discrimination based on economic rationality
- Not being able to take risks
- None of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- When did Pakistan witness the imposition of second Martial Law in its history? (CSS 2020 Pakistan Affairs Paper)
- 1977
- 1971
- 1985
- 1969
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- The most suitable thermometer for measuring the boiling point of water is? (CSS 2011 General Science & Ability Paper)
- Mercury thermometer
- Alcohol thermometer
- Bimetallic thermometer
- Liquid crystal thermometer
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- The most significant greenhouse gas is? (CSS 2013 Current Affairs Paper)
- Ozone
- Chlorofluorocarbons
- Carbon Dioxide
- None of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- Sermon of Hajj is delivered in? (CSS 2015 Islamic Studies Paper)
- Masjid al-Qiblatayn
- Masjid e Taneem
- Masjid e Nimra
- None of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- A terrorist attack was launched on Army Public School in Peshawar on? (CSS 2019 Current Affairs Paper)
- 14 Dec 2014
- 15 Dec 2014
- 16 Dec 2014
- None of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team