Calcutta and Delhi
Calcutta and Madras
Delhi and Lucknow
Bombay and Madras
The Government of India Act of 1858 made considerable reforms to English-style governance, but it had little impact on the Indian system of government. After the 1857 Mutiny, it was widely believed in England that it would be virtually impossible to form a government in India without Indian involvement in the administration. The legislative process was centralized by the Charter Act of 1833. It failed to pass legislation that was suited to the requirements of the populace since it had just one representative in each of the four provinces. Due to drawn-out processes that delayed enactment, the Governor General in Council was failing in his legislative duties and unable to perform efficiently.
The Indian Councils Act of 1861 was institutionalized to serve the necessity of cooperation of Indians in the administration of the country. The Act restored the powers of the Government and the composition of the Governor-General’s council for executive and legislative purposes. It was the first instance in which the portfolio system was incorporated into the Council of the Governor-General. The Indian Councils Act of 1861 transformed the Viceroy’s Executive Council into a miniature cabinet run on the portfolio system. Each of the five ordinary members was placed in charge of a distinct department of the Government of Calcutta—home, revenue, military, finance, and law.
- This legislation, which restored the legislative authority of the Bombay and Madras presidencies, initiated the trend of decentralization. As a result, the centralizing tendencies that began with the Regulating Act of 1773 and culminated with the Charter Act of 1833 were reversed. This legislative devolution strategy ultimately led to the granting of virtually complete internal autonomy to the provinces in 1937.
- The inclusion of Indians in the legislative process marked a new beginning for representative institutions. It allowed for the Viceroy’s nomination of a few Indians to his expanded council. Three Indians were eventually included in this 1862 Legislative Council: Sir Dinkar Rao, the Maharaja of Patiala, and the Raja of Benaras.
- A measure could not be passed without the Governor-General’s consent if it dealt with governmental finances or debt, the armed forces, religion, or foreign relations. The Viceroy had the power to overrule the council if necessary. The Governor-General could also promulgate ordinances during emergencies without the council’s consent.
- The creation of legislative councils for Punjab, the North-West Frontier Province, and Bengal was envisaged. It granted the Viceroy the authority to issue rules and ordinances to improve and facilitate the conduct of business in the council.
- It recognized the Portfolio System, which Lord Canning introduced in 1859. Under this system, a member of the Viceroy’s Council was assigned responsibility for one or more government departments and was given the authority to make final decisions on their behalf. It also granted the Viceroy the authority to enact ordinances without the approval of the Legislative Council in times of emergency. The law would be applicable for six months.
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