Gravitational field
Earth is a huge magnet
A lot of metal deposits on North and South Poles
Due to attraction of North Pole and repulsion of Western Pole
When humans first discovered magnetic rocks, they likely found that certain parts of these rocks attracted bits of iron or other magnetic rocks more strongly than other parts. These areas are called the poles of a magnet. A magnetic pole is the part of a magnet that exerts the strongest force on other magnets or magnetic material, such as iron.
If a bar magnet is suspended so that it rotates freely, one pole of the magnet will always turn toward the north, with the opposite pole facing south. This discovery led to the compass, which is simply a small, elongated magnet mounted so that it can rotate freely. The pole of the magnet that orients northward is called the north pole, and the opposite pole of the magnet is called the south pole.
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