Chimera (noun) –
- (in ancient Greek stories) a creature with a lion’s head, a goat’s body and a snake’s tail that can breathe out fire.
- (formal) an impossible idea or hope
- a conception or image created by the imagination and having no objective reality: A monster in the closet would not have been the first chimera that the boy had seen in his mind’s eye.
Panache (noun) – the quality of being able to do things in a lively and confident way that other people find attractive. Synonym: Flair, Style. She carried off the performance with panache.
Chimney (noun) – a structure through which smoke or steam is carried up away from a fire, etc. and through the roof of a building; the part of this that is above the roof: He threw a bit of paper onto the fire and it flew up the chimney. the factory chimneys of an industrial landscape. This chimney doesn’t draw very well. Factory chimneys belching smoke over the town.
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