Pummel (verb) – to keep hitting somebody/ something hard, especially with your fists (= tightly closed hands): He pummelled the pillow with his fists. She pummelled (= strongly criticized) her opponents. He saw the other man being pummelled by the crowd. Her fists pummelled at his chest.
Bash (verb) –
- [transitive, intransitive] to hit somebody/something very hard: He stood up, bashing his head on the ceiling. The lifeboats are constantly bashed about by rocks and floating debris. I braked too late and bashed into the car in front. He bashed the burglar over the head with a lamp. Someone bashed him on the nose. He had been attacked and bashed about a bit. I bashed my knee on the corner of the table. I tripped and bashed my head against a wall.
- [transitive] bash somebody/something to criticize somebody/ something strongly: Bashing politicians is normal practice in the press.
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