Water soluble vitamins
Primary vitamins
Basic vitamins
Fat soluble vitamins
Related MCQs
- Which one of the following is included amongst the Ushra-e- Mubhashera? (CSS 2010 Islamic Studies Paper)
- Saad Bin Ubaid (رضی اللّٰہ عنہ)
- Hazrat Hamza (رضی اللّٰہ عنہ)
- Saad bin Abada (رضی اللّٰہ عنہ)
- Saad Bin Abi waqas (رضی اللّٰہ عنہ)
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- Mention the importance announcements(s) that was/were made by the Governor General Lord Hardinge in his Darbar at Delhi in 1911? (CSS 2011 Pakistan Affairs Paper)
- Annulment of the partition of Bengal
- Transfer of Capital from Calcutta to Delhi
- Both of these
- None of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- National anthem composed by? (CSS 2016 Current Affairs Paper)
- Hafeez Jullundhri
- A. R. Ghani
- Ahmad G. Chagla
- None of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- Five Salats were made obligatory at the time of? (CSS 2017 Islamic Studies Paper)
- Before 622
- Meraj
- Stay at ghar e hira
- None of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- Which of the following is most elastic? (CSS 2009 General Science & Ability Paper)
- Steel
- Rubber
- Glass
- Sponge
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- Ghazwa-e-Ahzab is also called? (CSS 2017 Islamic Studies Paper)
- Ghazwa-e-Khandaq
- Ghazwa-e-badr
- Ghazwa-e-hunyn
- None of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- Who is called the conqueror of Egypt? (CSS 2023 Special Islamic Studies Paper)
- Saad bin Abi Waqas(رضي الله عنه)
- Aamr bin Al- Aas(رضي الله عنه)
- Khalid Bin Waleed(رضي الله عنه)
- None of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- Change the following sentence from Direct to Indirect speech: He asked his teacher, \"Need I read this chapter\"? (CCE 2023 Screening Test, December 1, 2024)
- He asked his teacher whether there was a need to read that chapter.
- He asked his teacher whether he needed to read that chapter.
- He asked his teacher if it was necessary to read this chapter.
- He asked his teacher if he had to read that chapter.
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- Journey of Miraj happened in? (CSS 2016 Islamic Studies Paper)
- 621 AD
- 623 AD
- 624 AD
- None of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- The speed of sound in dry air at 20 °C is about? (CSS 2011 General Science & Ability Paper)
- 130 meters per second
- 230 meters per second
- 343 meters per second
- 430 meters per second
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- Qadirabad Barrage is located on which river? (CSS 2019 Pakistan Affairs Paper)
- Ravi
- Sindh
- Chenab
- None of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
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- Sodium and Calcium
- Sodium and Chloride
- Chlorine and Iodine
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- Which country lies on the equator?
- Kenya
- China
- Bhutan
- San Salvador
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- The dominant phase of life cycle in these organisms is haploid? (CSS 2013 General Science & Ability Paper)
- Mosses
- Bacteria
- Protozoa
- None of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- Masjid Zu Qiblatain is situated in? (CSS 2009 Islamic Studies Paper)
- Madina
- Makkah
- Taif
- None of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- Pakistan conducted nuclear test on? (CSS 2020 Pakistan Affairs Paper)
- May 26,1 996
- May 27, 1997
- May 28,1998
- None of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- Ease of doing business is an index which is Published by the? (CSS 2020 Current Affairs Paper)
- World Bank
- State Bank
- United Nations
- None of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- Who first thought of the possibility of a Muslim republic embracing the present central Asian states in north west of sub-continent? (CSS 2010 Pakistan Affairs Paper)
- Abdul Halim sharar
- Syed Jamal ud din Afghani
- Ch.rehmat ali
- None of these
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- The word Muhammad (SAW) as a name has been mentioned in Quran only? (CSS 2013 Islamic Studies Paper)
- Two time
- Four time
- Six time
- Seven time
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- The time, light takes from the Sun to reach Earth is? (CSS 2011 General Science & Ability Paper)
- 8 minutes
- 25 minutes
- 45 minutes
- 60 minutes
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- who called the\"spiritual guide\"as shopkeepers? (CSS 2010 Pakistan Affairs Paper)
- Shaikh ahmed sirhindi
- shah Walliullah
- sir syed ahmed khan
- none of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- When the Constitution of 1973 was proclaimed? (CSS 2012 Pakistan Affairs Paper)
- April 12, 1972
- March 23, 1973
- August 14, 1973
- None of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- The major cause of land pollution is? (CSS 2014 General Science & Ability Paper)
- Pesticides
- Chemical fertilizers
- Insecticides
- All of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- McMahon Line is the border between? (CSS 2019 Current Affairs Paper)
- India & china
- India & Nepal
- India & Bangladesh
- None of these
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team
- The Last Mughal: The Fall of a Dynasty, Delhi, 1857, written by? (CSS 2016 Pakistan Affairs Paper)
- William Dalrymple
- Dervla Murphy
- André Aciman
- Sean O’Reilly
Submitted by: CSS Exam Desk Team