Tyndall effect occurs when light scattering particles are suspended inside a light transmitting medium. In that case, light scatters by the particles and then reaches the observer’s eyes. If we project a concentrated beam of light through a solution, we cannot see the beam of light passing through it. However, the light beam will be apparent when it passes through a colloid.
- Candidates must not get confused between Rayleigh scattering and Tyndall effect. Example for this can be taken as, when the daytime sky is cloudless, the sky’s colour is blue due to Rayleigh scattering instead of Tyndall scattering because the scattering particles are air molecules which are much smaller than the wavelengths of visible light.
The intensity of the scattered light depends on the following factors:
- Density of the colloidal particles
- Frequency of the incident light
Take a mixture of milk and water which is a colloidal solution. Then, take a mixture of sugar and water which is a true solution. Now, pass light through both the mixtures. You will see that light passes through the mixture of milk and water but does not pass through the mixture of sugar and water. Thus, light passes through a colloidal solution and not through true solution.

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