Natural selection
Competition for survival
Inheritance for acquired characters
- It is anticipated that the emergence of thoughts about the process of evolution of species began during the fourth century BC. Several theories of evolution have been proposed by various scientists. Most importantly Greek philosophers Plato and Aristotle provided their views on the evolution of species on earth. They believed that each organism on earth has been created in their present form and they remain unchanged. Various evolutionary theories have been proposed by different scientists at different time periods. French biologist Jean Baptiste Lamarck (1744-1829), has proposed that living things could transfer the acquired traits to their offspring. Later on, this idea was opposed by biologists.
Darwin’s Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection
- Darwinism is the most widely accepted theory of biological evolution. It was proposed by Charles Darwin (1809 – 1882), the British naturalist. He coined the phrase “descent with modification”. Darwinism states that every species has descended from pre-existing species by reproduction. It also states that species undergo change over time.
- Natural selection refers to the process that causes populations to change over time. Darwin explained the mechanism of evolution through natural selection. According to Darwin, the evolution of living organisms takes place in such a way that over a period of time, populations adapt themselves to their living environment. He also states that natural selection is totally dependent on the specific environment.
- Concepts of Darwinism:
- Overproduction: Living organisms produce more offspring. This leads to overcrowding. Example: An oyster has the capability to produce 60 – 80 million eggs per year.
- Struggle for survival: When more individuals are reproduced by living organisms, there is an increase in the need for food, space, and other resources required for the survival of these organisms. Therefore these organisms compete with each other for food and other resources for their survival. This is known as the struggle for survival. This competition could occur between members of the same species (intraspecific struggle) or different species (interspecific struggle).
- Variations: Differences in characteristics between individuals of a population are referred to as variations. These variations may occur due to genetic or chromosomal changes. These variations may produce useful, neutral, or harmful effects. During evolution, small continuous variations may be transferred to the next generation which in turn could lead to the formation of new species.
- Natural Selection: Living organisms with variations that are favourable for their survival in a particular environment continue to live. Whereas other organisms which do not have variations do not survive. This phenomenon of nature is referred to as “survival of the fittest”. Nature decides the fitness/ unfitness of an organism. This process of selecting living organisms with favourable variations is known as natural selection.
- Speciation: Through the process of natural selection, only those organisms with favourable variations continue to live in a particular environment. These favourable variations are transferred from one generation to the next generation. This process leads to the formation of new species.
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