Despotism (n.) tyranny, cruelty — Germans got fed up with despotism of Hitler very soon.
Dexterous (adj.) skilful — The artisans of Hyderabad are dexterous in brass work.
Detrimental (adj.) harmful — The foreign aid has proved to be detrimental to our economy.
Desecrate (v.) violate sanctity — The rioters desecrated the religious places.
Diversity (n.) variety — Diversity is the hallmark of Indian Civilization.
Dulcet (adj.) melodious to the ear/taste — As a singer Atif Aslam is known for his dulcet voice.
Demise (n.) death — In the demise of Benazir Bhutto, Pakistan lost the most sagacious leader.
Demolition (n.) destruction — The Municipal Corporation has started demolition campaign to clear up encroachment.
Deranged (adj.) insane, mad — None but a deranged person could have behaved in such an irresponsible manner.
Demur (v.) delay, hesitate — A practical man would never demur to avail himself of every chance.
Demure (adj.) shy, quiet — She is both demure and introvert.
Dilatory (adj.) causing delay — Many politicians consider dilatory tactics as an art of politics.
Deteriorate (v.) get worse — The condition of the patient has deteriorated.
Extinct (adj.) out of existence — Many species of flora & fauna have become extinct.
Emaciated (adj.) (thin and wasted — On account of poverty and starvation most of the children are emaciated.
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