Expiate (v.) atone for — He is ready to expiate his sins by giving up irresponsible way of life.
Embellish (v.) decorate — The writers generally embellish their style by the use of unnecessary imagery.
Ecology (n.) science of environment — Ecology is the study of environment.
Egregious (adj.) exceptional (crime) — It is difficult to reform him because he is an egregious criminal.
Exodus (n.) departure (large scale — The changes to privacy terms by WhatsApp caused an exodus of thousands of users to rivals Telegram and Signal.
Errant (adj.) erring from right path — Many errant students were punished.
Errand (n.) short visit to fetch something — My servant has gone on errand to fetch rations.
Erroneous (adj.) incorrect, mistaken — It is erroneous idea on your part that he will return home at last.
Envisage (v.) foresee in mind — It was difficult for everyone to envisage the loss in such a profitable venture.
Emancipate (v.) make free — Zahra Hayat tried to emancipate women from many social evils.
Flagrant (adj.) glaring, openly wicked — It is not easy to pardon such flagrant violation of the decorum of the House.
Fickle (adj.) changeable, faithless — Fickle minded persons cannot be relied upon.
Filial (adj.) of son or daughter — Children must fulfil their filial duties towards their parents.
Fray (n.) brawl, contest — The miscreants involved in the fray were arrested by the police.
Facile (adj.) easy, expert — Pakistan could achieve facile victory over England in the match yesterday.
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