Words with Meanings

  1. Ghastly (adj.) horrible, fearful — Everybody was horrified at the sight of ghastly murder.

  2. Gruesome (adj.) frightful, heinous, grisly — The children cried when they saw the gruesome appearance of a killer.

  3. Goad (v.) urge on — He was goaded by the classmates to make fun of the teacher.

  4. Grasp (v.) understand, seize — I think you have grasped the meaning of my statement.

  5. Grimace (n.) expression of pain — When hit on the head, he cried with grimace on his face.

  6. Granary (n.) store house for grain — A country can succeed in war only if its granaries as well as arsenals are well stocked.

  7. Gratis (adv.) free — The company offered one silver coin gratis to a customer who bought two dozen of soap cakes.

  8. Gruelling (adj.) tiring, exhausting — The police could elicit information from the gangster only after gruelling questioning session.

  9. Humdrum (adj.) dull, monotonous — After strenuous years of service he is not able to adapt himself to humdrum life of retirement.

  10. Huddle (v.) crowd together — The passengers sat huddled in a crowded compartment.

  11. Haggle (v.) bargain about prices — We haggle with rickshaw-pullers while with doctors we cannot.

  12. Hapless (adj.) unfortunate — The hapless victims of tragedy were sanctioned compensation by the Government.

  13. Hamper (v.) obstruct, impede, a gift box — The growth of population has hampered economic progress in Pakistan.

  14. Hegemony (n.) predominance — Both America and China are trying for hegemony in Asia.

  15. Hustings (n.) contest, elections — The Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) was badly defeated by the Pakistan Tehreek-i-insaf (PTI) at the hustings on the 24 general seats of the GB Legislative Assembly on 15th November, 2020.