Irksome (adj.) (tedious) — I don’t like to do any irksome job, however profitable it may be.
Imbibe (v.) drink, take in ideas — Every Pakistani must imbibe the spirit of nationalism.
Impertinent (adj.) insolent, impudent — She was reprimanded for her impertinent behaviour.
Intermittent (adj.) irregular, continual — Heavy damage has been caused to the buildings on account of intermittent rains for the last two months.
Immaculate (adj.) pure, spotless — She is often dressed in immaculately white dress.
Integrity (n.) wholeness, uprightness — The integrity of my brother is not to be questioned.
Incessant (adj.) uninterrupted, continuous — We had to cancel our visit to Quetta because of incessant rains.
Indigent (adj.) poor — He could not continue his study because his parents were indigent.
Inundate (v.) overflow, flood — The whole village was inundated with flood water.
Inveterate (adj.) deep rooted, habitual — He is an inveterate liar.
Inimical (adj.) unfriendly, hostile — I feel my friends have turned inimical and are working against my interests.
Innovation (n.) introduce new thing — We cannot keep up with progress unless we introduce innovations in our technology.
Impute (v.) attribute, ascribe — You can impute his failure in life to his fickle mindedness.
Instigate (v.) urge, incite — India is instigating trouble on our borders.
Infinitesimal (adj.) very small — They found infinitesimal traces of poison in the drink.
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