Retinue (n.) number of attendants — The Prime Minister arrived in the town with a retinue of officials.
Ruthless (adj.) pitiless — The landlady was not only robbed but also beaten ruthlessly.
Ramification (n.) far reaching effect — The interference of the Prime Minister in the affairs of Provincial Government is fraught with dire ramifications.
Relegate (v.) put to lower position — After the defeat of Pakistani Cricket team in the semifinals in the World Cup it has been relegated to seventh position in ranking.
Recant (v.) repudiate — Inspite of the advice of the party high command he did not recant his observation about the leader of the party.
Restive (adj.) restless, unmanageable — The labourers working in this factory are restive on account of non-payment of bonus this year.
Rampage (n.) rush in sudden violent behaviour — The demonstrators went on the rampage when the Superintendent of Police refused to listen to their grievances.
Rapt (adj.) fully attentive — The speech of the Prime Minister was listened to with rapt attention by the audience.
Renegade (n.) turn coat in politics, religion — Inspite of anti-defection law renegades in Pakistani politics are having a field day.
Retard (v.) hinder, check — Population problem has retarded economic progress in every field.
Reprisal (n.) retaliation — Inspite of provocative policy of militancy pursued by India, Pakistan has done nothing by way of reprisal.
Rancour (n.) bitterness — Though they had planned to marry, now there is feeling of rancour between them.
Ravage (n.) plunder, destroy — The floods this year have ravaged the crops severely.
Regime (n.) system of government — Every regime in India has survived only by arousing animosity against Pakistan.
Render (v.) deliver, give — He is always prepared to render help to the needy.