Words with Meanings

  1. Retrieve (v.) recover, bring back — The government is trying to retrieve economy from recession.

  2. Redoubtable (adj.) formidable — Pakistan needs redoubtable politicians to build Pakistan strong.

  3. Resume (n./v.) restart, summary — She narrated the resume of the day’s events and I was completely shocked.

  4. Reticence (n.) reserve, talking little — Her reticence makes her look mysterious.

  5. Slovenly (adj.) untidy, careless in work — She is often reprimanded for her slovenly habits.

  6. Supple (adj.) flexible, pliant — The supple limbs of the athletes impressed everybody.

  7. Sacrilegious (adj.) desecrating, profane — The communal riots in the city broke out as a result of sacrilegious act of one community.

  8. Sangfroid (n.) coolness, courage — The sangfroid of the Army Commander saved the check post from being recaptured by the enemy.

  9. Scourge (n.) severe punishment — The Plague broke out in the province and people thought it to be a divine scourge.

  10. Salvage (v.) rescue from loss — The army swung into action to salvage the havoc caused by the earth quake.

  11. Sultry (adj.) sweltering — September and October are sultry months because of excessive humidity.

  12. Surmise (v.) guess — I surmised that he would not succeed in his attempt to exploit his wife.

  13. Spurious (adj.) false, counterfeit, fake — There is glut of spurious drugs in the market.

  14. Stamina (n.) strength — She has a lot of stamina and works for hours together.

  15. Supersede (v.) take the place of — When the Marketing Manager was superseded by his junior, the former resigned.

  16. Saga (n.) a traditional story of heroic deeds — The saga of Pakistani soldiers on the war front is beyond description.