CSS 2022 Articulate – X

CSS 2022 Articulate – 10

Articulate for CSS 2022 by Aamir Mahar

May 2021 (Volume – X)

Hot Topics inside —
  1. The dysfunctional of SAARC?
  2. Power politics and Muslim world
  3. The ‘third intifada’ in Middle East?
  4. Pak-Saudi Ties & Saudi’s Vision 2030
  5. Fallout of the US-NATO troops’ drawdown
  6. CPEC & Pakistan’s ‘Vision East Asia’ policy
  7. Zakat: Backbone of Islamic financial system
  8. Islamophobia Western prejudices against Muslims
  9. India’s neighbourhood: Challenges and strategy
  10. US-China rivalry: Impact on South Asian politics
  11. Free trade: an engine for growth or exploitation?
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