Various Sciences

Various Sciences

  1. Acoustics — The study of sound and sound waves

  2. Aerodynamics — The study of forces acting upon bodies in motion in the air (for example, aircraft, missiles, etc.)

  3. Aeronautics — Concerned with all activities of aerial locomotion (art of flying)

  4. Agronomy — The science of soil management and the production of field crops

  5. Agrostology — The study of grasses

  6. Anatomy — The science of the structure of the animal/ human body learnt by dissection.

  7. Anesthesiology — A branch of medicine concerned with administration of anesthetics and the condition of the patient while under anesthesia

  8. Anthropology — The study of the origin and physical and cultural development of mankind

  9. Archaeology — A scientific study of the material remains of the past as evidence of man’s life, culture and history

  10. Astronautics — A science dealing with space travel and space vehicles

  11. Astrophysics — A branch of astronomy dealing with the physical nature of heavenly bodies

  12. Astronomy — The science of heavenly bodies (planets)

  13. Astrogeology — The study of structures and formation of rocks and minerals on other planets

  14. Bacteriology — A branch of microbiology dealing with bacteria

  15. Biology — The science of living organisms; subdivided into Botany and Zoology

  16. Biophysics — The physics of the vital processes of living organisms

  17. Botany — The science of the plant kingdom

  18. Bryology — The study of mosses

  19. Cardiology — A branch of medicine dealing with heart

  20. Carpology — The study of fruits and seeds

  21. Ceramics — The art of making objects from clay

  22. Cetology — The study of acquatic mammals, especially whales

  23. Chemistry — The study of elements, their behaviour and laws of their combination, etc.

  24. Chorology — The study of geographical areas; plants and animal distribution

  25. Cosmetology — The study of cosmetics and their use

  26. Cosmology — The study of the universe—its origin, nature, structure and evolution

  27. Cosmography —  The science that maps the general features of the cosmos or universe

  28. Craniology — The study of skulls (not to be confused with phrenology which is not a science)

  29. Cryogenics — Concerned with the production, control and application of extremely low temperatures

  30. Cytology — A branch of biology dealing with structure and function of cells

  31. Cytopathology — The study of diseased cells

  32. Dactylology — The study of fingerprints

  33. Dermatology — A branch of medicine dealing with skin

  34. Dietetics — The science of diet and nutrition

  35. Ecology — The study of relationship between organisms and their environment

  36. Entomology — Deals with study of insects

  37. Endocrinology — The study of the body’s hormone secreting glands (endocrine glands)

  38. Epidemiology: An area of microbiology that is concerned with the occurrence of disease in human population. Epidemiology covers endemic as well as epidemic occurrence of disease.

  39. Etymology — A study of the origin and history of words

  40. Genetics — A branch of biology dealing with heredity and the laws that govern it

  41. Geology — A study of the chemical composition of the earth’s crust

  42. Gerontology — A branch of medicine studying the ageing process, problems and diseases

  43. Gynecology — A branch of medicine dealing with female diseases of the reproductive system

  44. Hematology — A branch of medicine studying blood and its disorders

  45. Hepatology — A branch of medicine dealing with the liver

  46. Histology — The study of tissues

  47. Horticulture — A branch of agricultural science dealing with flowers, fruits, vegetables, etc. Pomology, a branch of horticulture, deals with fruit plants throughout their life cycle, not just the fruit the plants produce.

  48. Hydrology — The science of water with reference to its occurrence and properties in the hydrosphere and atmosphere

  49. Hygiene — A branch of medicine dealing with health and its preservation

  50. Immunology — A branch of medicine dealing with the immune system of the body

  51. Lithology — The study of the characteristics of rocks

  52. Morphology — A biological study of external form and structure of living organisms and their parts

  53. Mycology — Concerned with fungi and fungal diseases

  54. Nephrology — A branch of medicine dealing with kidneys

  55. Neuropathology — A branch of medicine dealing with changes produced by diseases in the nervous system

  56. Obstetrics — A branch of medicine dealing with pregnancy, labour and child birth

  57. Oncology — A branch of medicine dealing with tumours

  58. Ophthalmology — A branch of medicine dealing with eyes and related diseases

  59. Orology — The study of mountains

  60. Ornithology — The science of birds

  61. Orthopedics — A branch of medicine dealing with diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the skeletal system (bones)

  62. Osteology — A study of bones

  63. Pediatrics — A branch of medicine dealing with child diseases (infants)

  64. Paleontology — The study of fossils and ancient life-forms

  65. Parasitology — The science of parasites, especially those causing diseases

  66. Pathology — A branch of medicine that deals with etiologies, mechanisms and manifestation of diseases

  67. Pharmacology — A branch of medicine dealing with drugs, their chemistry, effects on body, etc.

  68. Physiology — A study of the life processes of various organs of living organisms

  69. Psychiatry — The study and treatment of mental and emotional disorders

  70. Radiology — A branch of medical science dealing with the use of x-rays for diagnosis and treatment

  71. Semiology — The science dealing with signs, sign language or system of signalling

  72. Seismology — The study of earthquakes and related phenomena

  73. Theology — The study of religions

  74. Toxicology — A branch of pharmacology dealing with poisons and other toxic substances

  75. Urology— The study of the physiology and pathology of the urogenital tract

  76. Virology — The science that deals with viruses

  77. Zoology— A branch of biology that deals with animal life

  78. Zymology — A study that deals with the process of fermentation