Antonyms MCQs with Explanation

16. Liberty (CSS 2022 MCQs)
(a) Serenity
(b) Slavery
(c) Serfdom
(d) Subordination

17. Disorderly (CSS 2022 MCQs)
(a) Chaotic
(b) Organized
(c) Adjusted
(d) Arranged

18. Elevation (CSS 2022 MCQs)
(a) Reduction
(b) Humiliation
(c) Depression
(d) Debasement

19. Glossy (CSS 2022 MCQs)
(a) Dull
(b) Shining
(c) Weary
(d) Tired

20. Appropriate (CSS 2022 MCQs)
(a) Dissimilar
(b) Incomparable
(c) Unsuitable
(d) Disparate


16. (b) The word Liberty (Noun) means : freedom to live as you choose without too many restrictions from ‘ government or authority. The word Slavery (Noun) means : state of being a slave: a system of legally owning another person and forcing to work for them.

17. (d) The word Disorderly (Adjective) means : showing lack of control untidy deranged. Its antonym should be arranged.

18. (c) The word Elevation (Noun) means to increase in the level of something. The word Depression (Noun) means : the state of feeling very sad and without hope; part of a surface; that is lower than the parts around it.

19. (a) The word Glossy (Adjective) means shining, smooth and shiny. Its antonym should be dull.

20. (c) The word Appropriate (Adjective) means : suitable acceptable or correct for the particular circumstances. Its antonym should be unsuitable.

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