Single National Curriculum (SNC) Framework

Detailed Report: Single National Curriculum (SNC) Framework


Curriculum is the most important mean to achieve the national vision and goals. After the devolution of education to provinces under 18th Constitutional Amendment, uniformity in curricula and standards has become a matter of great concern. In order to address this concern, all Federating Units decided to constitute a national coordinating body called National Curriculum Council (NCC) consisting three members from each Province/Area. One of the main functions of NCC is to develop a National Curriculum Framework in close consultation with all the stakeholders. Accordingly, NCC in collaboration and consultation with all Federating Units and other stakeholders developed NCF. NCF is a national policy document on curriculum to steer the curriculum development in the country.

The National Curriculum Framework provides broader guidelines on development of subject curriculum, instructional delivery system, assessment and testing system and professional development of teachers. It will provide guidelines to all stakeholders to advocate an inclusive, integrated, holistic and comprehensive approach in development of curriculum in Pakistan. This framework will respond effectively to local, national and international priorities to meet the individual learning needs of all students and to provide a strong foundation for lifelong learning in a constantly changing competitive world.

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