October 13 is celebrated as the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction by the United Nations, countries all across the globe are urged to focus on the prevention and minimisation of the risks posed by natural disasters. Disasters have a monumental impact on the economies, lives and basic infrastructure of those affected. In 2022, the International Day will focus on Target G of the Sendai Framework i.e. “Availability of multi-hazard early warning systems and disaster risk information and assessments to people.” It has even greater importance with reference to Pakistan, especially after the recent barrage of floods which has wreaked havoc across the country. This write-up contains two levels. The first is an institutional framework for disaster management at the national level. Meanwhile, the second part explores whether early warning systems can help reduce the social and financial cost of disaster management. I ask whether any such system has been deployed in the case of Pakistan.
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CSS Exam Desk | Daily Times | Authored by Saud bin Ahsen
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