GRE Sentence Corrections Practice Questions – I

Instructions — • Attempt 30 Questions in 25 Minutes • Students can check the correct answers from the ‘featured comment’ in the comments- section.

Directions — The sentences below may contain problems in grammar, usage, word choice, sentence construction, or punctuation. Part or all of each sentence is underlined. Following each sentence you will find five ways of expressing the underlined part. Choice (A) always repeats the original underlined section. The other four answer choices are all different.

  1. Because the drug had been proved to cause cancer in mice, the FDA banned its use as a food additive. (A) Because the drug had been proved to cause (B) Since the drug had been proved to cause (C) Seeing as how the drug was proved to cause (D) Because the drug had been proved to be a cause of (E) Because the drug, as it proved, was a cause of
  2. Some gardeners put dead leaves or straw between the rows of seedlings so that the ground doesn’t dry out and you don’t have to weed as much. (A) you don’t have to weed as much (B) they don’t have to weed as much (C) they don’t have weeding as much as before (D) your weeding is less (E) you don’t have as much weeding to do
  3. If all of this bickering were to be stopped by you children, we might be able to reach an equitable solution. (A) all of this bickering were to be stopped by you children (B) all this bickering were stopped by you children (C) all of you children had stopped this bickering (D) all of this bickering stopped you children (E) you children stopped all of this bickering
  4. Perched on the roof like a fantastic mechanical bird, electricity is generated by the windmill to light the classroom building. (A) electricity is generated by the windmill to light the classroom building (B) the classroom building is lit by electricity generated by the windmill (C) the windmill’s electricity is generated to light the classroom building (D) the windmill generates electricity and lights the classroom building (E) the windmill generates electricity to light the classroom building
  5. I am in the market for a comfortable for long trips and inexpensive to operate car. (A) a comfortable for long trips and inexpensive to operate car (B) a car that will be comfortable for long trips and inexpensive to operate (C) a car that will be comfortable and inexpensive for long trips and to operate (D) an inexpensively comfortable for long trips car (E) a car to operate inexpensively and comfortably on long trips
  6. After starting to attend the art class, Edward’s sketches were more lifelike. (A) After starting to attend the art class (B) Since starting to attend the art class (C) After the art class began to be attended (D) After he started attending the art class (E) After starting and attending the art class
  7. The world seems to grow smaller as they devise faster means of communication. (A) they devise faster means of communication (B) they device faster means of communication (C) means of communication are devised faster (D) they devise faster communication means (E) faster means of communication are devised
  8. The April weather was so invigorating that we did not realize until we came to the signpost how far it was that we had walked. (A) it was that we had walked (B) we had walked (C) we walked (D) it was that we walked (E) we walked to
  9. The only ones who opposed the consolidation of the clubs are Gerald Rasmussen and he. (A) who opposed the consolidation of the clubs are (B) that opposed the consolidation of the clubs are (C) that oppose the consolidation of the clubs are (D) who oppose the consolidation of the clubs are (E) who oppose the consolidation of the clubs were
  10. Someone has taken the book off of the shelf. (A) has taken the book off of (B) has took the book off (C) took the book off of (D) has taken the book off (E) has taken the book off from
  11. Unlike football, baseball fields can vary somewhat in size and shape. (A) Unlike football (B) Not like in football (C) Contrary to football fields (D) Unlike football fields (E) Contrary to football
  12. In the six months since the truce was declared, several minor skirmishes occuring along the border. (A) several minor skirmishes occurring along the border (B) several minor skirmishes breaking out along the border (C) there have been several minor skirmishes along the border (D) along the border there has been several minor skirmishes (E) the several akirmishes along the border have been minor
  13. Sunshine, good soil, and caring continually will almost always result in beautiful house plants. (A) caring continually (B) caring on a continual basis (C) continual care (D) care that is continuing (E) care which can be continuous
  14. The pump having been repaired, my cousin could turn on the heating system once again. (A) The pump having been repaired, (B) Because the pump is repaired, (C) The pump’s having been repaired, (D) The pump has been repaired so that (E) Having the pump repaired,
  15. She jumped out of the bed as soon as the alarm rang and races to be the first in the shower. (A) and races to be the first in the shower (B) and she races to be the first in the shower (C) and raced to be first in the shower (D) and raced first to the shower (E) then she raced to be first in the shower
  16. Although her parents, naturally, were worried, they did not try and dissuade her. (A) did not try and dissuade (B) didn’t try and dissuade (C) tried not dissuading (D) did not try to dissuade (E) do not try and dissuade
  17. Critics agree that Keats poetry is among the most beautiful in the English language. (A) Critics agree that Keats poetry (B) Critic’s agree that Keats poetry (C) Critics agree that Keat’s poetry (D) Critics agree that Keats’ poetry (E) Critics’ agree that Keats’ poetry
  18. She was the singer, I was told, whom won the grand prize at the talent show. (A) whom won the grand prize (B) which won the grand prize (C) of whom won the grand prize (D) whosoever won the grand prize (E) who won the grand prize
  19. The data are not sufficient to require an investigation. (A) The data are not sufficient to require (B) The data is not sufficient to require (C) The data is not sufficient for requiring (D) The data are not, sufficient for the requiring of (E) The data is not enough to require
  20. The material was highly inflammable, we were advised to use extreme caution. (A) highly inflammable, we were advised (B) not highly inflammable and so we were advised (C) highly flammable, advising us (D) greatly flammable, we were advised (E) highly inflammable, and so we were advised
  21. The instructor entered the auditorium, glanced angrily about the room, and then strides up to the podium. (A) and then strides up to (B) striding up to (C) and then strode up to (D) afterward he strode on (E) in which he strode up to
  22. If a person wants to be well educated, they must be prepared to devote many hours to reading and studying. (A) If a person wants to be well educated, they (B) If a person wants to be well educated, one (C) When a person wants an education, they (D) A person who wants to be well educated (E) A person who wants to be well educated, he
  23. The meeting degenerated into a heated argument about economical conditions throughout the world. (A) economical conditions throughout the world (B) worldwide economic conditions (C) economics conditions of the world (D) economy condition throughout the world (E) economical conditions worldwide
  24. The door had barely slammed behind me when I began to regret that we quarreled. (A) when I began to regret that we quarreled. (B) before I began to regret that we quarreled. (C) before I begun to regret that we quarreled. (D) when I had began to regret that we quarreled. (E) when I began to regret that we had quarreled.
  25. They had not been informed of the length of the program or of how much it would cost. (A) of how much it would cost. (B) of what it would cost. (C) of the cost. (D) of how much it cost. (E) that it would cost to attend.
  26. Please check her background to see whether she is capable to do whatever is necessary to assure the success of the project. (A) whether she is capable to do whatever (B) whether she is capable of doing whatever (C) if she is capable to do whatever (D) whether or not she is capable to do whatever (E) whether it is possible for her to be capable to do
  27. Both Mr. Blake and his son had been invited to the opening, but he was unable to attend on such short notice. (A) he was unable to attend (B) he was not able to attend (C) attendance was out of the question (D) Mr. Blake was unable to attend (E) he found it impossible to attend
  28. When the stores were having a half-price sale, it was nearly impossible to get a parking space in the shopping center. (A) When the stores were having a half-price sale, (B) When the stores have a half-price sale, (C) Although the stores were having a half-price sale, (D) If the stores were having a half-price sale, (E) If the stores have a half-price sale,
  29. “Loan them your car, so they can go to the game with us,” Dad said. (A) “Loan them your car, so they can go (B) “Loan them your car; so they can go (C) “Loan them your car. So they can go (D) “Lend them your car, so they can go (E) “Lend them your car: they can go
  30. They would prefer to go to the stadium regardless of the weather than watching the game on television. (A) regardless of the weather than watching the game (B) irregardless of the weather than watching the game (C) irregardless of the weather than to watch the game (D) regardless of the weather then to watch the game (E) regardless of the weather than to watch the game

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