Instructions — • Attempt 30 Questions in 25 Minutes • Students can check the correct answers from the ‘featured comment’ in the comments- section.
Directions — The sentences below may contain problems in grammar, usage, word choice, sentence construction, or punctuation. Part or all of each sentence is underlined. Following each sentence you will find five ways of expressing the underlined part. Choice (A) always repeats the original underlined section. The other four answer choices are all different.
- Between you and me, it is no longer as important as it once was for you to pay cash for your supplies. (A) Between you and me, it is no longer as important as it once was (B) Between you and me, it is no longer so important as it once was (C) Between you and I, it is no longer so important as it once was (D) Between you and I, it is no longer as important as it once was (E) Between us, it is not as important as it once was
- In the final act, the climactic scene is when the mother and father are reunited. (A) is when the mother and father (B) is where the mother and father (C) occurs at the point when they (D) occurs where the mother and father (E) occurs when the mother and father
- There is really no valid excuse for him refusing to accept the invitation. (A) for him refusing to accept (B) for his refusing to accept (C) for his refusal of accepting (D) of his refusal to accept (E) for his refusing to except
- I ordered the sort of a dessert that no one except her could finish. (A) the sort of a dessert that no one except her could (B) the sort of a dessert that no one except she could (C) the type of dessert she only could (D) a dessert no one could (E) the sort of dessert that no one except her could
- The examiner told us that the instructions were to be read by us carefully. (A) that the instructions were to be read by us carefully (B) that the instructions were read by us carefully (C) that careful reading of the instructions was required of us (D) to read the instructions carefully (E) carefully to read the instructions
- After failing the first examination, the teacher recommended that Hamza come in after school for extra help. (A) After failing the first examination, (B) After he had failed the first examination, (C) Having failed the first examination, (D) Failing the first examination, (E) He failed the first examination,
- After years of walk-ons and bit parts, I finally awoke to the realization that I never have and never will be the actor I had dreamed of becoming. (A) I never have and never will be the actor I had dreamed of becoming (B) never have I and never will I be the actor of my dreams (C) I never have been and never will be the actor I had dreamed of becoming (D) I never had and never will be the actor I dreamed of becoming (E) never had I been and never would I be an actor like I dreamed of
- Although some of the writers honored the picket line, many others went to work at the studios, which ended the strike almost as soon as it had begun. (A) studios, which ended the strike (B) studios, thus ended the strike (C) studios, which had ended the strike (D) studios, ending the strike (E) studios; ending the strike
- The manufacturers are obliged to contact all those workers whom they think may have been contaminated. (A) whom they think may have been (B) who they think may have been (C) whom they think might have been (D) who they think were (E) that they think may have been
- Evaluating other’s performances makes one more critical of one’s own effort. (A) Evaluating other’s performances makes (B) Evaluating other’s performances make (C) Evaluating others’ performances makes (D) Evaluating others’ performances make (E) Evaluation of other performances make
- To visit the recently reconstructed Globe Theatre is to stand where Shakespeare once stood. (A) where Shakespeare once stood (B) where Shakespeare has once stood (C) where Shakespeare had once stood (D) where Shakespeare once was standing (E) in the place where Shakespeare once was
- The student had interesting hobbies; she liked photography and going to plays and baseball games. (A) photography and going to plays and baseball games. (B) photography, going to plays and baseball games. (C) photography, going to plays and attending baseball games. (D) taking pictures and going to plays and baseball games. (E) taking pictures, going to plays and going to baseball games.
- Although the coach wanted Noor to play, he did not try and stretch the eligibility rules. (A) did not try and stretch (B) didn’t try and stretch (C) tried not stretching (D) did not try to stretch (E) do not try and stretch
- We believe that the United Nations has an important goal, to raise peoples and nations above their parochial concerns for the purpose of world peace. (A) goal, to raise (B) goal, raising (C) goal; to raise (D) goals. To raise (E) goal: raising
- The opponents of the garage plan use the council meetings as a forum to vent their anger and to ridicule the council, taking their time and showing disrespect. (A) taking their time and showing disrespect (B) by taking their time as well as showing disrespect (C) taking their time and showing their disrespect (D) having taken their time and then showing disrespect (E) taking its time and showing disrespect
- I prefer him singing his own material to his performances of other people’s songs. (A) him singing his own material (B) him when he is singing his own material (C) him to sing his own material (D) him singing his own material himself (E) his singing his own material
- The geometrical design of the quilt was traditional, but using strikingly modern fabrics. (A) using strikingly modern fabrics (B) strikingly modern fabrics were used (C) using striking modern fabrics (D) making use of strikingly modern fabrics (E) the fabrics used were strikingly modern
- He handwrote his application sloppily and filled with spelling errors. (A) He handwrote his application sloppily and filled with spelling errors. (B) He sloppily wrote his application by hand and it was filled with spelling errors. (C) His application was sloppily handwritten and filled with spelling errors. (D) He handwrote his application, it was sloppy and filled with spelling errors. (E) His application was handwritten sloppy and filled with spelling errors.
- Only Congress can declare war officially however the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces has the power to order a military action without consulting Congress. (A) war officially however (B) war, officially; however, (C) war, officially, however, (D) war. Officially, however, (E) war officially. However
- For one to accept constructive criticism without getting resentful is a sign that one is mature. (A) For one to accept constructive criticism without getting resentful is a sign that one is mature. (B) It is a sign that one is mature when one accepts constructive criticism without getting resentful. (C) Accepting constructive criticism without one getting resentful is a sign of maturity. (D) A mature sign is to accept constructive criticism without resentment. (E) Accepting constructive criticism without resentment is a sign of maturity.
- The day was windy and cold and snowed continuously. (A) windy and cold and snowed continuously (B) windy and cold, and it snowed continuously (C) wind, cold, and snowed continuously (D) windy and therefore cold and snowy (E) windy and cold because it snowed continuously
- To keep the raccoon was cruel, and letting it go was dangerous. (A) To keep the raccoon was cruel, (B) To keep the raccoon being cruel, (C) Keeping the raccoon being cruel, (D) Keeping the raccoon was cruel, (E) Keeping the raccoon it was cruel
- My sister asked me if I knew Salim and will he be at the dance. (A) if I knew Salim and will he be at the dance. (B) whether I know Salim and would he be at the dance. (C) whether I knew Salim and whether he would be at the dance. (D) did I know Salim and will he be at the dance? (E) if I knew Salim and would he be at the dance?
- The reviewer declared how there was a dearth of serious books being published on issues of social importance. (A) how there was a dearth of serious books (B) as how there was a dearth of serious books (C) a dearth of serious books (D) why there was a dearth of serious books (E) that there was a dearth of serious books
- I think that each applicant should be interviewed in person before they are granted admission to the program. (A) before they are granted admission to the program (B) prior to their being granted admission to the program (C) before being granted admission to the program (D) before admission is granted to them (E) before they can be granted admission
- Perhaps in this way we will lessen the amount of traffic accidents that occur among 16- to 24-year olds and thus decrease car insurance costs to this group. (A) we will lessen the amount of traffic accidents that occur (B) we will lessen the number of traffic accidents that occur (C) we will shorten the number of traffic accidents that occur (D) we will decrease the amount of traffic accidents that occur (E) we will alleviate the amount of traffic accidents that occur
- The acquisition of a new building, along with several less expensive issues, are going to be voted on at the next executive session. (A) are going to be voted on at the next executive session (B) are up for a vote at the next executive session (C) are expected to be voted on at the next executive session (D) is going to be voted on at the next executive session (E) is going to be put for a vote, at the next executive session
- No one among the students was more disgruntled than she when the assignment was handed out. (A) than she when the assignment was handed out (B) than her when the assignment was handed out (C) when the assignment was handed out than her (D) when the assignment was handed out to her (E) when she was handed the assignment
- Jake is the smallest of any boy in his kindergarten class. (A) the smallest of any boy (B) smaller than any boy (C) the smaller of any of the boys (D) the smallest of any of the boys (E) the smallest boy
- Although spring is well advanced, patches of old snow could be seen among the evergreens. (A) Although spring is well advanced, (B) Although spring was well advanced, (C) Although spring had well advanced, (D) Spring was well advanced; (E) Spring, having advanced,
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