GRE Sentence Corrections Practice Questions – III

Instructions — • Attempt 30 Questions in 25 Minutes • Students can check the correct answers from the ‘featured comment’ in the comments- section.

Directions — The sentences below may contain problems in grammar, usage, word choice, sentence construction, or punctuation. Part or all of each sentence is underlined. Following each sentence you will find five ways of expressing the underlined part. Choice (A) always repeats the original underlined section. The other four answer choices are all different.

  1. Between 10 and 20 percent of the homes in the town are suspected of having a high level of radon contamination. (A) are suspected of having (B) are suspects in the having of (C) are suspicious as they have (D) can be suspected of having an ordinary and (E) seem to be suspicious in that they have
  2. The students disliked the teacher and demonstrating it by not handing in assignments. (A) demonstrating it by (B) demonstrated it by (C) to demonstrate to the teacher, they were (D) demonstrate it by (E) cause a demonstration when they are
  3. Everyone said that John was a natural salesman; he had a winning smile, an above-average intelligence, and he was always tenaciously persistent. (A) and he was always tenaciously persistent. (B) and he persisted in a tenacious manner. (C) and, with tenacity, he always persisted. (D) and a tenacious persistence. (E) and the ability to project his persistent tenacity.
  4. Juggling, like any other skill, requires many hours of practice before it becomes easy. (A) requires many hours of practice (B) requires practice that can be hourless (C) requires, among other things, many practice hours (D) requires that you practice with it many hours (E) requires you to be practicing many hours
  5. As whenever the two of them were together they quarreled, we decided to put each one in a different group. (A) As whenever the two of them were together they quarreled (B) As to the two of them quarreling when they were together (C) Since the two of them quarreled whenever they were together (D) Since quarreling was what happened as a result of their togetherness (E) Because the two of them quarreled together
  6. Having tried to cover too much territory in her brief essay, nothing was analyzed in any detail. (A) nothing was analyzed in any detail. (B) nothing was analyzed in no detail. (C) the analysis was not detailed enough. (D) nothing that she analyzed was in detail. (E) she failed to analyze anything in detail.
  7. If one wishes to be an individualist, you must live with the suspicion and resentment of those who prefer conformity. (A) you must live with (B) you have to live with (C) you must tolerate (D) one must live with (E) we must live with
  8. Stories of huge hailstones have been reported; it is claimed that in Pipestone, Minnesota, in 1911, a 5.5-pound stone fell through the skylight of an office building. (A) reported; it is claimed that (B) reported, it is claimed that (C) reported; they claim that (D) reported; it is claimed how (E) reported; it is claim that
  9. I had delayed too long by talking to Jeremy; the shop was close by the time I got there. (A) was close by the time I got there. (B) was close when I got there. (C) was closed when I got there. (D) had close when I got there. (E) had close by the time I got there.
  10. She had never played tennis well on any surface but grass. (A) well on any surface but grass. (B) good on any surface but grass. (C) good on no surface but grass. (D) well on no surface but grass. (E) good on any surface except grass.
  11. The principal listed the names of the students whom he thought ought to be honored at the assembly. (A) whom he thought ought to be honored (B) whom he thought should be honored (C) whom, he thought, ought to be honored (D) who, he thought, ought to be honored (E) who ought to be honored
  12. One of the authors points, as I interpret them, is that some traditions should not be followed, or at least should be re-evaluated when they no longer make sense. (A) One of the authors points, as I interpret them, (B) One of the authors’ points, as I interpret them (C) The author’s point, as I interpret them, (D) One of the authors point in my interpretation, (E) One of the author’s points, as I interpret it,
  13. Having packed hurriedly and left quickly, he was sure he had forgotten something. (A) Having packed hurriedly and left quickly, (B) Having packed hurriedly and leaving quickly, (C) Having packed hurriedly and having left quickly, (D) Packing hurriedly and leaving quickly, (E) Packing hurriedly and having left quickly,
  14. It’s unfair to expect Rob and I to pay for dinner when everyone else is working, too. (A) It’s unfair to expect Rob and I (B) Its unfair to expect Rob and I (C) It’s not fair to expect Rob and I (D) It’s unfair to expect Rob and me (E) To expect Rob and I to pay is unfair
  15. While it comprises only a small percentage of the student population, the club, numbering some 150 members, are very vocal. (A) the club, numbering some 150 members, are very vocal. (B) the club numbering some 150 members are very vocal. (C) the club with some 150 members are very vocal. (D) the club, numbering some 150 members, is very vocal. (E) the club of 150 members are very vocal.
  16. Recognizing the expense of the repairs, the plumbing mishap created a great deal of consternation. (A) Recognizing the expense of the repairs, (B) Recognizing the expensive repairs, (C) Recognizing that the repairs are expensive (D) Due to the repairs are going to be expensive (E) Recognizing the expense of the repairs, he noted that
  17. Seatbelts, while unquestionably a good idea, it’s sometimes a nuisance to use them. (A) Seatbelts, while unquestionably a good idea, it’s sometimes a nuisance to use them. (B) Seatbelts, while unquestionably a good idea, are sometimes a nuisance. (C) Seatbelts are unquestionably a good idea and also they are sometimes a nuisance. (D) Seatbelts, while unquestionably a good idea, but sometimes a nuisance to use. (E) Seatbelts, while it’s unquestionably a good idea to have them, it’s sometimes a nuisance to use them.
  18. Your application for a scholarship arriving late, however: it will still be considered by the committee. (A) arriving late, however; it will still be considered by the committee (B) arrived late, however the committee will consider it still (C) arrived late; however, the committee will still consider it (D) will be considered by the committee that arrived late (E) arriving late and is being considered by the committee
  19. When I travel, I most always enjoy seeing sights that differ from the typical tourist traps. (A) I most always enjoy seeing sights that differ from the typical tourist traps (B) I almost always enjoy to see sights other than the typical tourist traps (C) I most always enjoy seeing sights that are different than the typical tourist traps (D) I almost always enjoy seeing sights that are different than the typical tourist traps (E) I almost always enjoy seeing sights that are different from the typical tourist traps
  20. Unless treated and rewarmed, hypothermia causes death. (A) hypothermia causes death (B) death results from hypothermia (C) hypothermia kills (D) the victim of hypothermia will die (E) hypothermia will cause death
  21. First choose a recipe; then you should make a list of the ingredients needed. (A) you should make a list of the ingredients needed (B) a list can be made of the ingredients needed (C) you can make a list of the ingredients needed (D) you should list the ingredients needed (E) make a list of the ingredients needed
  22. Living in the city for the first time, the traffic noise, she found, disrupted her sleep. (A) the traffic noise, she found, disrupted her sleep (B) she found that the traffic noise disrupted her sleep (C) she found out how the traffic noise disrupted her sleep (D) her sleep, she found, was disrupted by the traffic noise (E) her sleep disrupted, she found, by traffic noise
  23. Elgin called to find out will you lend him your bicycle. (A) will you lend him your bicycle. (B) will you lend him your bicycle? (C) did you lend him your bicycle. (D) will your bicycle be lent to him? (E) whether you will lend him your bicycle.
  24. Few freshmen these days are as ingenuous as him that first year. (A) are as ingenuous as him that first year (B) were as ingenuous as him that first year (C) is as ingenuous as him that first year (D) are as ingenuous as he that first year (E) were as ingenuous as he that first year
  25. Congress is expected to enact legislation soon that will attempt to slow the rising trade deficit that the U.S. is experiencing. (A) will attempt to slow the rising trade deficit (B) would attempt to slow the rising trade deficit (C) will slow the rising trade deficit (D) will attempt to slow the raising trade deficit (E) would attempt to slow the raising trade deficit
  26. Listening to another student’s question, I frequently discover that they are confused about the same points that I am. (A) that they are confused about the same points that I am (B) that they are as confused about the same points as I am (C) they are confused about the same points that I am (D) that I am not the only one confused about the same points (E) that he or she is confused about the same points that I am
  27. Noticing how close the other car was to him, his hands began to shake and he broke out in a sweat. (A) Noticing how close the other car was to him, (B) Noticing how closely the other car was following him, (C) When he noticed how close the other car was to him, (D) After noticing how close the other car was to him, (E) He noticed how close the other car was near to him,
  28. The conditions of the contract by which the strike has been settled has not yet been made public. (A) by which the strike has been settled has not yet been made public (B) by which the strike has been settled have not yet been made public (C) by which the strike had been settled has not yet been made public (D) under which the strike has been settled has not yet been made public (E) that settled the strike has not yet been made public
  29. Myths are often marked by anthropomorphism, the concept where animals and inanimate forces are invested with human characteristics. (A) anthropomorphism, the concept where animals and inanimate forces are invested (B) anthropomorphism—the concept—where animals and inanimate forces are invested (C) anthropomorphism, the concept, where animals and inanimate forces are invested (D) anthropomorphism, the concept by which animals and inanimate forces are invested (E) anthropomorphism, the concept that invests animals and inanimate forces
  30. It is not I to whom you should complain. (A) I to whom you should complain (B) I, to whom you should complain (C) I who you should complain to (D) me whom you should complain to (E) me to whom you should complain

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