1. Hoodwink (v.) deceive β€” Hypocrites cannot hoodwink people for long.

  2. Husband (v.) utilise β€” Pakistan has a plethora of natural resources which she must husband for her progress.

  3. Hostile (adj.) unfriendly β€” Western powers have ever been hostile to Pakistan for reasons best known to them.

  4. Hypothecate (v.) mortgage, pawn β€” You can get loan from this bank by hypothecating house.

  5. Halcyon (adj.) calm, peaceful β€” Halcyon days a few years back appear to be just a dream.

  6. Holocaust (n.) destruction by fire β€” The third world war is bound to bring about nuclear holocaust.

  7. Hackneyed (adj.) commonplace, trite β€” Now-a-days no one is interested in the hackneyed speeches of the politicians.

  8. Hazy (adj.) slightly obscure β€” I have just a hazy idea of my mother because she died when I was just five years old.

  9. Hypocrite (n.) pretending virtue β€” Those who praise themselves are generally hypocrites.

  10. Hoax (n.) trick, practical joke β€” The information that a bomb had been planted in the aeroplane just proved a hoax.

  11. Haggard (adj.) lean, gaunt β€” A haggard and pale looking old man begged for some money.

  12. Heinous (adj.) atrocious, odious β€” The heinous crimes by the Nazis are against every norm of civilization.

  13. Humane (adj.) kind β€” Every religion preaches to be humane and considerate.

  14. Haphazard (adj.) random, by chance β€” He had no time and bought the clothes haphazardly.

  15. Hazardous (adj.) dangerous β€” Dilli Ki Bipta is the famous reportage of Shahid Ahmad Dehlvi, in which he narrated his hazardous journey from riot-infested Delhi to Lahore in September 1947.