Languor (n.) lassitude, depression — On summer afternoons, we generally feel languor.
Laconic (adj.) brief — Though her speech was laconic, yet it was lucid.
Lethargic (adj.) lazy — After busy schedule during the day he felt languid and lethargic.
Laudable (adj.) commendable — The success achieved by him in such a short period is really laudable.
Loathe (v.) detest, hate — He always loathes dishonest means.
Lair (n.) den, resting place — The tiger was in the lair when hunter arrived.
Lascivious (adj.) lustful — The market is flooded with lascivious books.
Lethal (adj.) deadly — The proliferation of lethal weapons do not bode well for the future of mankind.
Mammoth (adj.) huge, gigantic — A mammoth rally was held to protest against the increase in the cases of kidnappings and murders.
Menace (n.) danger, threat — Terrorism is a potential menace to the integrity of the country.
Mascot (n.) object likely to be lucky — A bird-of-paradise character named Derawan was chosen as the mascot of the 2018 Asian Games in Jakarta and Palembang.
Magnate (n.) person of prominence — Prime Minister Imran Khan is a steel magnate of Pakistan.
Malign (v.) speak evil of, defame — We malign others because we are jealous of them.
Menial (adj.) suitable for servants, servile — Many men consider women suitable only for menial jobs.
Manipulate (v.) manage with skill — Many persons are expert in manipulating excuses for their failure in life.