Words with Meanings

  1. Hearsay (n.) rumour — One must not believe in hearsay.

  2. Homily (n.) moral discourse — A person should not deliver homily unless he himself follows.

  3. Harbinger (n.) forerunner — Autumn is the harbinger of spring.

  4. Harangue (n.) loud and scolding talk — In his harangue the commander reproved the soldiers for their unruly conduct.

  5. Impasse (n.) dead lock — At present there is impasse in the talks between India and Pakistan.

  6. Ignoble (adj.) unworthy — His ignoble motives were exposed by his wicked actions.

  7. Imbroglio (n.) complicated situation — Kashmir problem has become national imbroglio which has eluded solution.

  8. Indolent (adj.) lazy, lethargic — She was feeling indolent because of the sweltering weather in the afternoon.

  9. Imbued (v.) filled with — It is a pity that our political leaders are not imbued with the spirit of nationalism.

  10. Intrinsic (adj.) of value within, real quality — The intrinsic value of the Pakistani rupee is on decline.

  11. Itinerary (n.) plan of a journey — Islamabad has been included in the itinerary of the American President’s visit to Asia.

  12. Impeccable (adj.) faultless — There is no person in the world who can claim to have impeccable character.

  13. Impede (v.) to hinder, hamper — Economic crisis in the country will impede the industrial progress.

  14. Incite (v.) arouse to action — The visit of the religious leader incited the communal riots in the city.

  15. Inept (adj.) incompetent — Inept handling of the foreign policy by the current ruling party has created many complicated situations for the country.