1. Opportune (adj.) timely, well chosen β€” One should wait for the opportune moment to strike a bargain.

  2. Obliterate (v.) wipe out β€” The whole village was obliterated by continued shelling of Indian troops.

  3. Odious (adj.) repulsive, contemptible β€” Leaving my friends in the lurch is quite odious for me.

  4. Overture (n.) first move β€” The overture on the part of her husband for reconciliation met with no response from her.

  5. Obsolete (adj.) out moded β€” Snobs are never interested in obsolete fashion.

  6. Ostracize (v.) ex-communicate β€” He was ostracized by the elders of the village for marrying the girl of the other community.

  7. Oblivion (n.) forgetfulness β€” The famous film-personalities of the past are forced to lead a life of oblivion in their old age.

  8. Obviate (v.) make unnecessary β€” The use of computers in offices will obviate the need for further recruitment of the staff in the banks.

  9. Obese (adj.) fat β€” Obese persons are generally prone to heart attack.

  10. Onerous (adj.) burdensome β€” The work allotted to him was so onerous that he needed an assistant.

  11. Ostentatious (adj.) fond of displaying β€” She is disliked for her ostentatious behaviour towards her friends and colleagues.

  12. Oscillate (v.) waver β€” Persons with oscillating nature never stick to one option.

  13. Penchant (n.) strong inclination β€” She has strong penchant for singing and dancing.

  14. Pithy (adj.) concise, meaningful β€” The essays of Francis Bacon are read all over the world because they are pithy and profound in their meaning.

  15. Paltry (adj.) insignificant, petty β€” Strangely enough, the two friends quarrelled over paltry amount.