Irritate (v.) annoy — His insolent behaviour always irritates us.
Impending (adj.) imminent, approaching — Some persons have intuition about impending calamity.
Insipid (adj.) tasteless — All felt bored by his insipid jokes.
Jovial (adj.) merry, happy — He is a much sought after person because of his jovial nature.
Jinx (n.) that brings bad luck — Superstitious persons consider number thirteen a jinx.
Jaded (adj.) tired, exhausted — He felt jaded after his return from journey.
Jargon (n.) language difficult to understand — It is difficult to understand the jargon of tribal people.
Jumble (n.) mixed up — She tried to put in order everything lying jumbled.
Jot (v.) write hurriedly — The journalists were jotting down the speech of the Prime Minister in haste.
Junk (n.) discarded things — He is a junk dealer.
Judicious (adj.) wise — He has been successful in life because of his judicious planning in business.
Jubilant (adj.) happy — The crowd was jubilant when Pakistan team achieved facile victory over English Team.
Jolt (v.) give a jerk — All his hopes were jolted when his son could not qualify the competition.
Juvenile (adj.) of young person — Juvenile delinquency is on the increase.
Jiffy (n.) few moments — He completed the work in a jiffy.
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