Chastise (v.) punish — Rida was chastised for her unruly behaviour in the presence of the guests.
Connivance (n.) pretence of ignorance, overlook — Criminals have been carrying on their nefarious activities with the connivance of the police.
Contraband (adj.) illegal goods — Customs Department has not been able to stop traffic of contraband goods.
Countermand (v.) cancel, revoke — The Election Commission has countermanded the election of the minister for over spending in elections.
Colloquial (adj.) pertaining to conversation — Colloquial language should be simple and easy.
Conflagration (n.) widespread fire — As long as the nuclear arsenal exists in the world, there is every possibility of nuclear conflagration.
Compliant (adj.) docile, flexible — He is admired for his compliant nature.
Cliche (n.) stereotyped phrase — I never listen to the speeches of the leaders because they are always full of cliches.
Condign (adj.) adequate, rigorous — No punishment, whatsover is condign for a rapist.
Congregation (n.) religious gathering — The militants did not hesitate in throwing bombs at the congregation gathered in the religious place.
Chary (adj.) cautious, watchful, wary — We should be always chary of the strangers.
Coerce (v.) force, repress — She was coerced by her husband into bringing money from her parents.
Confound (v.) confuse — On seeing the ghastly sight of murder, everyone was confounded.
Cache (n.) hiding place (store) — Cache of illegal arms was recovered by the police.
Cavil (v.) find fault — Please don’t cavil about unimportant matters.
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