Words with Meanings

  1. Commensurate (adj.) equal in proportion — The income of farmer hardly commensurates with the labour he has to do.

  2. Commodious (adj.) spacious, comfortable — He has built a commodious house because his sister is likely to live with him.

  3. Capitulate (v.) surrender — After long encounter the militants had to capitulate.

  4. Compunction (n.) feeling of regret, remorse — Even the hard core criminals felt compunction at the injustice they had done to the family of their rivals.

  5. Canine (adj.) of dog — The flatterers follow their masters with canine faithfulness.

  6. Callow (n.) inexperienced — Though he is a callow now, he will gain experience by and by.

  7. Chagrin (n.) annoyance, disappointment — The defeat of our team filled us with chagrin.

  8. Censure (n.) blame, criticise — Censure motion in the Parliament could not be tabled for want of quorum.

  9. Calibre (n.) capacity, talent — His calibre for doing work in a meticulous manner is always appreciated.

  10. Cede (v.) transfer title (land) — Pakistan can never cede an inch of land to any foreign country.

  11. Chauvinist (n.) blindly devoted — A chauvinist is incapable of realizing his fault in his thinking.

  12. Celestial (adj.) heavenly — The study of celestial bodies always interests me.

  13. Clandestine (adj.) secret — Clandestine activities of the smugglers are well-known to the police.

  14. Covert (adj.) hidden, implied — The covert warning he gave to me opened my eyes to the reality of the situation.

  15. Catastrophe (n.) calamity — A catastrophe in the form of cyclone has struck the coastal cities of Pakistan.