1. Profane (v.) desecrate β€” We must respect every religion and never try to profane the sanctity of holy places.

  2. Pseudonym (n.) assumed name β€” Charles Lamb wrote his essays under the pseudonym of Elia.

  3. Precocious (adj.) mature before time β€” The precocious children need careful bringing up by their parents.

  4. Placid (adj.) calm, peaceful β€” The placid atmosphere of the hill station had salutary effect on his mind and body.

  5. Plagiarism (n.) theft of ideas or writing β€” The Indian film directors are notorious for indulging in plagiarism.

  6. Posterity (n.) future generations β€” The posterity will not pardon the present politicians for their acts of omission and commission.

  7. Paragon (n.) model of perfection β€” Sidra is always depicted as a paragon of ideal and virtuous woman.

  8. Provident (adj.) providing for future β€” We should spend in provident manner so as to lay by something for future emergency.

  9. Perquisite (n.) perks, gain above stipulated salary β€” Though the salary offered by the company is not high, the perquisites are quite handsome.

  10. Prone (adj.) inclined to (disorder) β€” Pakistani farming is prone to uncertainty because of the fickleness of Monsoons.

  11. Pandemonium (n.) wild disorder β€” There was pandemonium in Parliament over the objectionable remarks made by a member of the opposition party.

  12. Parasite (n.) living on another β€” Flatterers are considered to be parasites because their existence depends on sycophancy.

  13. Patrimony (n.) inheritance from father β€”Though his father left huge patrimony, he squandered it within a year or so.

  14. Perennial (adj.) lasting β€” The rivers originating in the Himalayas are perennial.

  15. Poignant (adj.) touching, sharp β€” The poignant cries of the orphaned children moved everybody present at the funeral.

  16. Pungent (adj.) stinging, strong β€” The cigarettes of inferior brands have pungent smell.